Contact Impro Festival Trondheim

An image of 3 people dancing and text that says "CONTACT IMPRO FESTIVAL TRONDHEIM
Contact Impro Festival Trondheim
4 oktober 2024, 13:00
5 oktober 2024, 14:00

Welcome to the second Contact Impro Festival in Trondheim 4 - 6. October 2024 by ImproDans Trondheim!

Get ready for a weekend dedicated to contact improvisation full of workshops, sharings, open jams, and performances!
The festival is open to everyone curious about contact improvisation and to experienced CI practitioners. If you love moving, dancing, and improvising together with others this is the right place for you!

After a beautiful first edition in 2023, we aim to create another magical small-scale festival at DansiT. With the CI festival, ImproDans Trondheim wishes to offer a platform for knowledge exchange and a safe space to explore movements in contact with each other - a place to connect and to get inspired.

Friday 4.10.2024
14:30 Doors open
15:00-17:00 CI Basics with Ingeborg Dugstad Sanders 
17:00-17:30 Opening circle with Anna Thu Schmidt
17:30-19:30 Material for the Spine into Contact Improvisation with Otto Ramstad
19:30-20:00 Break
20:00-20:30 “On the fragility of improvisation” with Dávid Mágyel
20:30-22:00 Open JAM with live music by pianist Dávid Mágyel
22:00-22:30 Afterglow

Saturday 5.10.2024
10:00-10:30 Doors open
10:30-13:00 Underscore with Hilde Rustad 
13:00-14:30 Lunch break + open studio
14:30-16:30 ‘Listening practice - moving in the unknown’ with Ama Camilla Solgaard 
16:30-17:30 Break + open studio
17:30-19:00 OPEN STAGE with PRAXIS Trondheim
19:00-21:30 Open JAM with music by Ann-Cathrin Hertling a.k.a DJ Kitty Amore
21:30-22:00 Afterglow

Sunday 6.10.2024
10:00-11:00 Conta kids* with Mari Angell-Petersen Grønnesby (age 2-5)
10:00-12:00 Water Contact Jam at Pirbadet** with Anna Thu Schmidt
11:00-13:00 Contact Lab with Andrea Winsnes
13:00-14:30 Lunch break + open studio
14:30-16:30 ImproStunt with Anna Thu Schmidt (outdoors)
16:30-17:00 Break
17:00-18:30 Closing session (Bodywork + Final JAM with sound meditation + Closing Circle)
18:30-19:00 Afterglow


Festival ticket: 1500-3000 NOK (*including all workshops, warm lunch and snacks. Sliding scale according to your financial situation. By paying more you make it possible for others to pay less)
Registration via

There is only a LIMITED amount of festival tickets available.
Booking just parts of the festival is only possible when the festival tickets are not sold out.
Reach out for more information to:

*Contakids tickets need to be purchased separately.
** The Water Contact Jam takes place at Pirbadet. We will be in a private pool. Only 20 spots are available. Pre-registration is required.

Supported by Kulturrådet, Trøndelag fylkeskommune and DansiT

Questions? Contact:

Trondheim Management
Nordre gate 10, 7011 Trondheim
+47 993 54 000
Org. nr 995 860 465
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