Writing Circle/skrivesirkel

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Writing Circle/skrivesirkel
12 februar 2025, 17:00
Feministhuset i Trondheim
Welcome to Feminist House and our writing circle. - Velkommen til skrivesirkel på Feministhuset! ‍

We write all the time: sms, social media, notes, shopping lists, documents for work, but how often do we write to ourself? The writing circle is a safe space where you can write to yourself, your soul, your body, and perhaps to a younger version of yourself.

Everyone is welcome to write in their own language, and everyone is welcome to share their text with the group by reading it or retelling it, if they wish to.
The writing circle doesn't require any preparation or particular competence in literature. You simply write based on your own experiences, thoughts and dreams.

The writing circle is lead by Jeanette Mauricio. She picks a topic as a writing prompt for the group.

The event is free, but please pick up your free ticket from Hoopla.
Feministhuset i Trondheim
Kjøpmannsgata 51, Trondheim, Norge
Trondheim Management
Nordre gate 10, 7011 Trondheim
+47 993 54 000
Org. nr 995 860 465
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