Energy Safari at ZEB Lab

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Energy Safari at ZEB Lab
22 september 2023, 10:00
ZEB lab Gløshaugen
Guided Tour

Join us on a tour inside the energy laboratories at Gløshaugen!

Energy is everything and nothing. We are all made up of energy in one form or another. It does not cease to exist - just takes a different form. Energy is everywhere - on Earth, in the universe, and in places we can't imagine. We are solely dependent on energy, and so are all living things.

Join us on an energy safari - a tour of NTNU's and SINTEF's energy laboratories, which have one of the world's leading research and education environments in the field of energy.

ZEB lab is a laboratory for zero-emission buildings (ZEB) – an arena where new and innovative materials and solutions are developed, investigated, tested, and demonstrated in mutual interaction with people.


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